Classifieds in Gamharia, Jharkhand
- 49 Cars
- 36 Car parts
- 64 Bicycles
- 158 Motorcycles and parts
- 24 Kids’ products & Toys
- 33 Clothes
- 1 Garden & House
- 161 Furniture
- 53 Refrigerators, ovens etc.
- 137 Computers and parts
- 46 TV games & PC games
- 2 Photo & Cameras
- 87 Audio and video
- 56 Phones
Leisure Time & Hobbies
- 490 Books
- 35 Pets and animals
- 70 Hobbies & Collectors
- 55 Music instruments
- 113 Sport

Rs 1,500
All college level books in good condition. Price not negotiable.
All college level books in good condition

Rs 5,500
New carom board made by order.
friends i have reduced my price because it is urgent.and its is brand new carom made bye order

Rs 1,200,015,000
Marketing exeucative serious,sincere person
Marketing exeucative serious,sincere person

Rs 200
NCERT Mathematics for class 12. in good condition.
NCERT Mathematics for class 12.
in good condition..

Rs 1,500
All college level books in good condition. Price not negotiable.
All college level books in good condition

Rs 13,000
Goodcondition h
good condition good condition keyboard mouse new h aur fix price h 2gb ram 500 hardisk h cpu h aur 19 inch samsung...

Rs 1,500
Videocon d2h set top box for sale.
i want to sell my videocon d2h set top box. It is 1 year old. price is 1500(negotiable). we are shifting so we want...

Rs 360
Very helpful for preparation of medical entrance
very helpful for preparation of medical entrance exams.

Rs 4,500
5 kva Blue Automatic Voltage Stabilizer made 2014(voltas made)
Blue And Grey Automatic Voltage Stabilizer

Rs 2,900
Cotton Mattress only 2 nos. In good condition, without bed
Set of 2 nos. Black And Red Checkered Cotton Mattress only, (no bed) Size 6ft x3ft

Rs 470
For xactly half the price.. jee mains and
For xactly half the price..
jee mains and advanced..
1. mechanics part 1
2. electricity nd magnetism

Rs 360
Very helpful for preparation of medical entrance
very helpful for preparation of medical entrance exams.

Rs 700
Fully new dumbl no screch gym house dumbls 4
Fully new dumbl no screch gym house dumbls 4 pleat 10kgs and rad 2 plz intersted puchaser contect me ..

Rs 250
Original NCERT Chemistry for std 12. part 1 and part 2.
NCERT Chemistry for std 11 and 12.
In good condition..

Rs 360
Very helpful for preparation of medical entrance
very helpful for preparation of medical entrance exams.

Rs 10,000
Its a 1 month old phone SONY XA ULTRA (default is
Its a 1 month old phone SONY XA ULTRA (default is tht screen damage which cost only 6000original ) it hurry sell due...

Rs 700
Fully new dumbl no screch gym house dumbls 4
Fully new dumbl no screch gym house dumbls 4 pleat 10kgs and rad 2 plz intersted puchaser contect me ..

Rs 595
30% off on ISC Nootan chemistry book class 12.
30% off on ISC Nootan chemistry book class 12. (2017)

Rs 595
30% off on ISC Nootan chemistry book class 12.
30% off on ISC Nootan chemistry book class 12. (2017)

Rs 520
20% off on ISC organic chemistry by K.L. Chugh.
20% off on ISC organic chemistry by K.L. Chugh. Proven to be very useful for boards and entrance preparation.

Rs 1,400
Manual Grass Cutter in Good Condition
Manual Grass Cutter in Good Condition at (Adityapur) Jamshedpur.

Rs 250
Original NCERT Chemistry for std 12. part 1 and part 2.
NCERT Chemistry for std 11 and 12.
In good condition..

Rs 470
For xactly half the price.. jee mains and
For xactly half the price..
jee mains and advanced..
1. mechanics part 1
2. electricity nd magnetism

Rs 350
ISC Nootan Physics 12 thirteenth edition 2014-15
ISC Nootan Physics 12
thirteenth edition 2014-15.
in good condition

Rs 350
ISC Nootan Physics 11 thirteenth edition 2014-15
ISC Nootan Physics 11
thirteenth edition 2014-15
very good condition.. negligible pencil and pen marks because it was...