Classifieds in Gamharia, Jharkhand
- 49 Cars
- 36 Car parts
- 64 Bicycles
- 158 Motorcycles and parts
- 24 Kids’ products & Toys
- 33 Clothes
- 1 Garden & House
- 161 Furniture
- 53 Refrigerators, ovens etc.
- 137 Computers and parts
- 46 TV games & PC games
- 2 Photo & Cameras
- 87 Audio and video
- 56 Phones
Leisure Time & Hobbies
- 490 Books
- 35 Pets and animals
- 70 Hobbies & Collectors
- 55 Music instruments
- 113 Sport

Rs 15,000
5 seater well n good condition
5 seater well n good condition

Rs 150
This is a Bhargava's Dictionary English to Hindi
This is a Bhargava's Dictionary
English to Hindi
This book edited by Prof. R.C. PATHAK, B.A., L.T.

Rs 600
ISC 10 years solved papers (2007 -2017 )
ISC 10 years solved papers (2007 -2017 ) According tp new curriculam
for aspiring and pursuing Arts students

Rs 160
In really good condition with practical notebook
in really good condition with practical notebook all new

Rs 140
Its a nda enterance book preety good for the
its a nda enterance book preety good for the people preparing for nda.
it really helped me a lot

Rs 8,499
2 months old 3s prime in mint condition with
2 months old 3s prime in mint condition with bill, box, screen guard, and back cover

Rs 15,000
5 seater well n good condition
5 seater well n good condition

Rs 54,000
1 month old 2017 Hero Glamour brand new condition.
Only 1 month old ,Brand new showroom condition bike, fixed price.

Rs 2,200
My guitar is in good condition jumbo body
My guitar is in good condition jumbo body guitar,with good colour complex

Rs 3,500
Sony MDR V55 - Limited Edition Used for just 1
Sony MDR V55 - Limited Edition
Used for just 1 year. Sound quality intact and perfect. Heavy Bass. Price negotiable....

Rs 900
Books for CAT preperation. Author: Arun Sharma
Books for CAT preperation.
Author: Arun Sharma
All books in very good condition.
Price Negotiable

Rs 4,800
Yuphhoria 5010A 4G
I want to sell my yuphoria phone5010A including (charger,data cable,head phone).its only six months old.Two back...

Rs 125
SBI PO practise papers.
The book is in good condition and also includes previous year papers.
Price negotiable.

Rs 152,000
2003 Maruti Suzuki Alto petrol 80000 Kms
Good condition without any scratch all documents ac child

Rs 200
Voltas window AC Brand New Remote Model RMLCD 10001
Voltas windo AC Brand New Remote Model RMLCD 10001

Rs 2,900
Audio Technica M20x Almost new condition.
Audio Technica M20x
Almost new condition. Available with packaging. Great balance between highs and lows. 3m long...

Rs 152,000
2003 Maruti Suzuki Alto petrol 80000 Kms
Good condition without any scratch all documents ac child

Rs 1,800
Physics chemistry and maths books for class 11
Physics chemistry and maths books for class 11 and 12 (Ncert and Competitive exam)
Rs 2,500
SS English Willow Cricket Bat . Price negotiable
English Willow triple duce bat . Size is 5 number. Seal is not opened yet. Price can be bargain . Time pass please...
Rs 1,800
Physics chemistry and maths books for class 11
Physics chemistry and maths books for class 11 and 12 (Ncert and Competitive exam)
Rs 200
Jee mains solved papers
i want to sell one of my very useful book named last 14 years solved jee main question papers as i have got admission...
Rs 2,500
Hero ranger cycle with shoker and 18 gear. Price can be negotiate.
Hero ranger cycle with shoker in awesome condition fir sale . It is in running condition.
It can be negotiate but up...