Classifieds in Gamharia, Jharkhand
- 49 Cars
- 36 Car parts
- 64 Bicycles
- 158 Motorcycles and parts
- 24 Kids’ products & Toys
- 33 Clothes
- 1 Garden & House
- 161 Furniture
- 53 Refrigerators, ovens etc.
- 137 Computers and parts
- 46 TV games & PC games
- 2 Photo & Cameras
- 87 Audio and video
- 56 Phones
Leisure Time & Hobbies
- 490 Books
- 35 Pets and animals
- 70 Hobbies & Collectors
- 55 Music instruments
- 113 Sport

Rs 800,010,000
Job opening in shipra auto pvt ltd As a CNC
Job opening in shipra auto pvt ltd
As a CNC operator
Required inter iti or diploma candidates
No of vacancy 5
Rs 5,000
Book Lot In Jamshedpur. All JEE and other engineering entrance books.
All the books you need for good jee preparation is here. You can purchase one or two of them also
Rs 35,000
Honda Dio 7825 Kms 2015 year
Honda Dio 7825 Kms 2015 year with 100% body insurance. Single handed
Rs 1,500
1+4 subwoofers / Speakers
1no. - 8inch 240watt
4nos. - 6inch 20watt Subwoofers
Best Sound Quality
1no.- 8इंच 240 वाट
4nos.- 6इंच 20वाट
Rs 3,500
All jamshedpur people contact us for airbag covers
All jamshedpur people contact us for airbag covers
Rs 500
4 games in 600 GTA 5 watch dogs 2 COD advanced warfare Far cry primal
watch dog 2
COD advance warfare
Farcry primal
all in 600 for pc full game
Each game 180
Call me seven five four...

Rs 2,800
Brown Wooden Television Hutch
Brown Wooden Television Hutch With keyboard and mouse want to sell urgently
Rs 2,000
Very good condition, for children upto 10 yrs.
Very good condition, for children upto 10 yrs.
Rs 6,500
2bhk newly built at kalpnapuri Adityapur near
2bhk newly built at kalpnapuri Adityapur near Shiv Mandir.
Rs 900,025,000
Required for candidates in automobile industries field work job
Hii greetings from christ consultancy
we are the leading man power company in jamshedpur
we provied all kinds of jobs...
Rs 35,000
|| Leather Sofa Settee || 2 pcs., 5 years old,
|| Leather Sofa Settee || 2 pcs., 5 years old, well maintained.|| please call between 4pm to 7pm
Rs 4,300
Hero bicycle 1year old Good condition, Dual dish
Hero bicycle 1year old Good condition Dual dish break Dual socker 6gear etc
Rs 1,500
1+4 subwoofers / Speakers
1no. - 8inch 240watt
4nos. - 6inch 20watt Subwoofers
Best Sound Quality
1no.- 8इंच 240 वाट
4nos.- 6इंच 20वाट
Rs 11,000
Manual Operated Treadmill on Sale (in Kadma) (give contact no.)
Good condition manually operable treadmill is on sale.
Rs 1,250
NEET 2018 preparation material from AAKASH PVT. LTD.
Aakash NEET classroom material for 2018 medical aspirants.
Rs 6,000
29" LG color TV...In good running condition n
29" LG color TV...In good running condition n quality product...
Rs 6,000
29" LG color TV...In good running condition n
29" LG color TV...In good running condition n quality product...
Rs 400
LML vaspa carborator NV new not used
LML vaspa carborator for NV scooter not used almost new product
Rs 16,000
LG My PC for sale Good condition
Purchased 5 years ago for Rs 54000/-
Intel CORE 2 DUO Processor
1 TB(1024GB) Hardisk(storage)
Rs 5,000
FIITJEE's complete RSM pack of 2014-2016 with
FIITJEE's complete RSM pack of 2014-2016 with least disfigurement of the books. All AITS papers of class 11 and 12...