Classifieds in Gamharia, Jharkhand
- 49 Cars
- 36 Car parts
- 64 Bicycles
- 158 Motorcycles and parts
- 24 Kids’ products & Toys
- 33 Clothes
- 1 Garden & House
- 161 Furniture
- 53 Refrigerators, ovens etc.
- 137 Computers and parts
- 46 TV games & PC games
- 2 Photo & Cameras
- 87 Audio and video
- 56 Phones
Leisure Time & Hobbies
- 490 Books
- 35 Pets and animals
- 70 Hobbies & Collectors
- 55 Music instruments
- 113 Sport

Rs 4,500
Power brakes , double shocker , used six months
Power brakes , double shocker , used six months and is in a good condition

Rs 1,000
Gray Video CD Player
Gray Video CD Player and stabilizer good running conditions both are saleing

Rs 75,000
Maruti Suzuki Esteem petrol 85000 Kms 2004 year
good condition car
Attractive wheels
Music system
Power window
Power brake
Power steering
Blue led light interior...

Rs 9,100
Kurlon ortho mattress with 2pillows
kurlon ortho mattress with 2pillows
Size 6'feet x 6 1/2'feet

Rs 50
ARIHANT Objective Aptitude Maths Book in HINDI
Arihant ka hai
Second Edition hai
Authos Name: Majul Tyagi
Language: HINDI

Rs 600
Must having books for 1st year Engineering
Must having books for 1st year Engineering students.

Rs 260
All in One English Core CBSE class 12
detailed study material with each section. Fully revised and updated edition 2015. In excellent condition.

Rs 100
Arihant Objective Book for General Knowledge
Arihant Objective General Knowledge Book
Language : HINDI
Writer : Manohar Pandey

Rs 180
Railway Exams Mechanical Engineering Practice Workbook
Railway Exams Mechanical Engineering Practice Workbook
Publication name: Kiran

Rs 150
CBSE sample paper for physics class 12 in a great
CBSE sample paper for physics class 12 in a great condition nothing wrong with it at all u can give it a look and buy...

Rs 38,000
Maruti Suzuki 800 petrol 40000 Kms 1997 year
It is 800 AC car an urjent sell, It is in very good running condition, good looking, all the tyre are totally new,...

Rs 350
Physical Geography | Savinder Singh| Unused book|
Physical Geography | Savinder Singh| Unused book| MRP 455

Rs 600
Rubber dumbell total weight 12 kg (3kg each plate)
rubber dumbell total weight 12 kg (3kg each plate)

Rs 1,600
Avon cycle in good condition 1 year used. new
Avon cycle in good condition 1 year used. new nylon tyres. urgent sell

Rs 250
Book for 12th students, this book really helped
book for 12th students, this book really helped me to improve my knowledge...

Rs 12,000
Lenovo full PC set.2gb ram 320 GB HDD 1 gb
lenovo full PC set.2gb ram 320 GB HDD 1 gb graphics nividia. 18" display Intel pentium dual core processor. contact...

Rs 853
ONe PICE (eak paysa) INDIA 1947.
IT is the coin of the year on which INDIA gained Independence...1947.

Rs 7,000
Near Sahara Garden, Ichhapur, Adityapur, 3BHK flat for rent
Near Sahara Garden, Ichhapur, Adityapur, 3BHK, parking , semi furnished fan, light, rent more detail call 7482.886.893

Rs 75,000
Maruti Suzuki Esteem petrol 85000 Kms 2004 year
good condition car
Attractive wheels
Music system
Power window
Power brake
Power steering
Blue led light interior...

Rs 9,000
Kurlon ortho mattress with 2pillows
kurlon ortho mattress with 2pillows
Size 6'feet x 6 1/2'feet

Rs 3,500
Painting about dreams it's a new painting hurry
Painting about dreams it's a new painting hurry up fast

Rs 260
All in One English Core CBSE class 12
detailed study material with each section. Fully revised and updated edition 2015. In excellent condition.

Rs 6,000
Dual dish break with gear cycle good condition
Dual dish break with gear cycle good condition

Rs 370
MICRO and MACRO economics class 12
In good condition. According to to the latest pattern of syllabus of class 12.